PME conseils, Bureau de conseils en comptabilité, gestion d’affaires et fiscalité à Bruxelles – Chaussée d’Alsemberg, 999 – Belgique

Accounting Services

MANAGEMENT OF subsidised projects


The entities concerned are non-profit associations, international associations and NGOs. Project management requires budgetary and financial accounting specifically adapted to supervising, controlling and editing the reports that have to be drawn up according to the requirements of each sponsor. Our company is in regular contact with the various public authorities, such as the European Commission, various Belgian Ministries, the Coordination Committee of the Funds (COCOF),…

The services offered by PME-Conseils include:

  • comptabilité générale établie selon les normes en vigueur (AR du 14/7/1997) et recommandées par l’Institut des Réviseurs
  • accounting services prepared in accordance with the standards in force (AR of 14/7/1997) as issued by the Institute of Registered Auditors,
  • creation of cost accounting which, enables follow-up on a project-by-projet basis,
  • the drafting of budgetary reports in accordance with the specific requirements of each sponsor,
  • financial controls with the subsidising powers



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